Make a Donation to support Hamilton Falconwatch!

Falconwatch runs on the strength of its volunteers and the strength of financial contributions from our community. Your support helps us:

  • Hire a Falconwatch Coordinator, whose task is to organize and direct the on-street Falconwatchers throughout the day, seven days a week, until the chicks have safely fledged. Coordinators are university or community college students or graduates who have some experience with nature oriented field work and, if we are fortunate, hands-on experience with raptors. Since many organizations that give grants will not pay for salaries, your donations go first to funding this important position.
  • Pay for equipment rentals, including the professional radios our Falconwatch volunteers use to the Coordinator and other volunteers aware of their activities when tracking fledgling falcons through the skies of downtown Hamilton.
  • Pay the operating costs of the Coordinator's cell phone and the internet link to the computers in the Jackson Square display window.
  • Pay for maintenance and upgrades of the computer and camera equipment used to bring you our webcam images. Yes, we get a few foundation and corporate donations to cover some of these things. But there are always associated costs not covered by in-kind donations or grants.
  • Pay for veterinary and consulting services for the falcons if/when needed.
  • Fund the expansion of our efforts to educate the public about the Peregrines.

It is neither trite, nor an overstatement, to say we could not do this without you. So please take a moment to make a donation, however large or small, to help us keep going! We have made it as easy as we can. Now it's up to you. Please check out the donation options to the right, and please tell your friends about us! The opportunities here are nearly endless. The only limitation is the funding we have available. So let's make it great!

We offer two convenient options:

BY MAIL: Click this link to Open a printable Donation Form. Fill in the form, put it in an envelope with your cheque, and mail it in. Quick and easy!
ONLINE: Click the button below to go to the donation website, Canada Helps. This service is simple to use and secure (none of your financial information is shared with Falconwatch). A tax receipt will be e-mailed to you within 24 hours.

Canada Helps! Instructions: You will be making a donation to our parent organization, the Hamilton Naturalists' Club. Please be sure that you designate the donation for Falconwatch.
Here's how: Once on the Canada Helps website, the first thing you will see is a brief description of the Club. When you click on the link to 'donate now' (or 'donate monthly' is also welcome!) you will see a form that allows you to choose the Fund/Designation for your donation. You should see "Falconwatch" already selected. If it is not, kindly click the drop down button and select us from the list.

Enter the amount you want to donate and follow their instructions for completing the online financial transaction.

Whichever way you choose, your donation is greatly appreciated. THANK YOU!

Web page created by Charles Gregory
Web Pages and All Contents (C) Copyright - Hamilton Community Peregrine Project